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1 cup Condensed milk

1 cup Self-raising flour

1/3 cup Melted butter

1/2 tsp Baking soda

1 tsp Baking powder

Vanilla pod


Pre-heat oven at 400 F.

Sieve the flour, along with the baking powder and baking soda.

Mix the condensed milk, butter, vanilla pod inside and 1/3 cup of water and beat well.

Grease the baking pan with butter.

Pour the mixture into it.

Bake the first 15 minutes at 400 F and next 10 minutes at 300 F.

Take it out and allow the cake to cool completely.

Shree Swaminarayan Temple - Bhuj

Tirth Dham
Bhuj, Kutch

Tel:  +91 (0) 2832 250231
        +91 (0) 2832 250331
Fax: +91 (0) 2832 250131
Email: [email protected]

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Outro Strip

Mauris ante augue, fringilla non accumsan at, imperdiet vel ipsum. Nunc hendrerit, felis nec hendrerit varius, lacus leo euismod mi, a pulvinar sapien libero.